Summer 2016 UPDATE: Beth has sold RideAMERIKA and has closed the site down. You may view the archived version at the “WayBack Machine”:
Archived RideAMERIKA site.
Beth Collins, formerly of North Carolina, has relocated her horse riding simulator to the Hillsboro / Portland / Vancouver area. AMERIKA is a interactive horse riding machine that responds to your hand and foot gestures to react just the way a real horse would. The benefits of a riding-simulator are
many. Such as the fact that AMERIKA never gets tired, irritable, hungry. Because AMERIKA is stationary, she allows the rider to get up close posture and technique adjustments from Beth, a certified riding instructor. AMERIKA is ready to ride at night, or on those soggy fall, winter, and spring days so common to our region.
Beth needed to get her site up before October 1, when she had an ad coming out. KP Services stepped in to get her up and running. We started simply, with a basic information page, graphics, informational video, and made sure the site looks good on mobile devices!